
Making ready-to-eat meals that help patients have a healthy diet in a practical and delicious way

Dr. Vicky is a Registered Nutritionist and Nutritionist. She is always looking for ways to help her patients lead healthier lives.

To make her suggestions more practical, she teamed up with Kokikit to create ready-to-eat meals customized to her patients' diets, a delicious way to help her patients stay healthy, one meal at a time.

Now, her patients find it easier to eat well. Doctor Vicky's collaboration with Kokikit means her patients get delicious and nutritious meals that suit their health needs. It's like having a nutritionist in their kitchen, making healthy eating easier. Her patients love it, and they feel healthier than ever.

Collaborating clients

dr. Vicky (MAM)

Product type
Private Label
Number of products
1,000 pcs/month
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